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Argentinian born Production Designer, Set Designer & Wardrobe designer, naturalized Mexican and Italian citizen, studied Opera Régie, Scenography and Make up in schools such as Instituto Superior de Arte - Teatro Colón, majoring from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Ernesto de la Cárcova in Scenography, continuing his studies in Theater Design and Costume Design at Instituto de Diseño Escénico Saulo Benavente, completing his studies in Film, Cinematography and Art Direction at the school for film studies of the Sindicato de la Industria Cinematográfica Argentina.


Made his experience in theater staging and opera régie, as well as in film and advertising production.


In his home country (Argentina) he worked alongside art directos and set designers as Miguel Angel Lumaldo, Marcelo Salvioli, Abel Faccello, Daniel Feijoo, Rafael Reyeros and Emilio Basaldua among others.


His credits as sets and costumes designer are the Operas Die fledermaus, Aurora, Don Juan, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Rigoletto, La Traviata, Il Trovatore, The Beggar's Opera, La Boheme, El Matrero, Lakme, Samson et Dalila, Don Giovanni, La fille du regiment, Carmen, Die Zauberflotte, Tosca, Lucia di Lammermoor, The Medium, Cosi fan tutte and Madama Butterfly among other titles, ballets as Romeo et Juliet, Don Quixote, The Nutcracker, Petrushka, Giselle and El amor brujo presented in theaters and opera houses as Colón, Avenida (Buenos Aires) Argentino (La Plata, Argentina) Libertador (Córdoba, Argentina) and Metapontum Lyrica in the city of Metaponto, Italy. Plays as Ionesco's La cantante calva, Beckett's Fin de partie, Chejov's The cherry orchard, Uncle Vania, The three sisters y The sea gull, Marco Antonio de la Parra's Beds, Giraudoux's The madwoman of Chaillot and Pirandello's Six characers in search of an author are part of his credits as well.


Has worked as set designer and costumes designer in both Opera and theater with stage directors as Eduardo Rodríguez Arguibel, Constantino Juri, Cristina Morini, Chete Cavagliatto, Beni Montresor, Alejandro Cervera among others.


As Production Designer and Art director has collaborated in film and advertising with directors such as Jaime Chavarri, Belen Gayan, Victor Garcia, Felix Fernandez de Castro, Juan Bautista Stagnaro, Beda D'ocampo Feijoo, Gregorio Cramer, Carlos Sorin, Pablo Flenher, Augusto Giménez Zapiola, Eddie Flenher y Fabian Bielinsky as part of productions as Las Cosas del Querer II, Evita, Seven years in Tibet, Casas de fuego, Invierno Mala Vida, El mundo contra mi among others.


After a couple of years in Italy, resides in Mexico since 2005 were he had the chance of working as Art Director and Supervising Art Director for such Production Designers as Brigitte Broch, Salvador Parra, Antonio Muñohierro and Sandra Cabriada among



He has since developed his activities in the industry as both Art director and Production Designer in advertising, feature films and series, in projects as Texas Rising directed by Roland Joffee, Everybody Loves Somebody directed by Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, Captive directed by Jerry Jameson, The Chosen directed by Antonio Chavarrias, Diablo Guardián directed by Sebastián Silva, Hiromi Kamata and Rodrigo Santos, and more recently Luis Miguel La Serie, Netflix original production directed by Humberto Hinojosa and Natalia Beristain.


He has design and produced events as concerts, runways, digital mappings and museums, being part of diverse projects in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and in Mexico, were he was part of the team commissioned with the Celebrations of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Independence and the Centenary Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution under the direction of Mtro. Rafel Tovar y de Teresa y José Manuel Villalapando, designing the National Gallery at the National Palace of Mexico city on its first inaugural exhibition: México 200 Años - la Patria en construcción as well as in the second: Palacios Reales de España y México.


Last year was commissioned with the design and montage of Carne y Arena, VR installation created by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu.


Interior Set

for Bacardi's Our

History is Unbelievable



Set design for

Cadena de llamados





set and costume design for Strauss´s masterpiece.


3D render set design for Pantene Intensive care campaign.


Gouache render for a parade design. Movistar X-mas ad.

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